Porcelain Crowns and Veneers
Patient unhappy with shape, size, colour, and irregularity
Upper teeth treated with 8 porcelain crowns
Lower teeth treated with combination of porcelain veneers and crowns
Patient unhappy with shape, size, colour, and irregularity
Upper teeth treated with 8 porcelain crowns
Lower teeth treated with combination of porcelain veneers and crowns
Patient is congenitally missing lateral incisors.
Unhappy with colour/position of implant crowns, and colour of central incisors
Replaced crowns on implants to improve colour, shape and position.
Placed porcelain veneers on central incisors to match
Patient unhappy with 2 front teeth and old bridges
Porcelain crowns on central incisors and porcelain bridges on other upper teeth
Patient unhappy with shape and position of upper 4 front teeth
Patient was unhappy with older composite bonding
8 porcelain veneers
Patient unhappy with 3 dark front teeth
Dark teeth treated with 3 porcelain crowns to match other teeth
Single dark front tooth
Restored with one anterior porcelain crown
Space remains after braces due to small lateral incisor
Bonding used to close the space